
i’ve bought so I can have the email

eBay is just B-TEC Amazon

i’ve found an old notebook so i’ll spend the day writing up its text, the dates will be back dated so good look finding them

what a fucking night. It was the emotional equivalent of having one of those weird baths with boiling water but you’re pouring cold on your chest to simulate a heart attack, fuck why do i do this shit to myself

the NCA busted a fishing vessel with what they’re saying is close to a tonne of cocaine. from the pics they’ve published i’m seeing 17 bricks at 1kg each. I really hope they aren’t trying to play off 20 kilo as 1000. the columbians produce just over 85% of global, at just under 2,000 tons a year. Thats 0.05% seized under the NCA which is A DROP IN THE FUCKING OCEAN THAT IS FLOODING EUROPE YOU LOT NEED TO UP YOUR FUCKING GAME THE ONLY ADVERT NEEDED FOR THE SUCCESSES OF THE TRADE IS YOUR INADEQUACY

I have no doubt these are hard working men and women but fuck they’re woefully outnumbered in this one. At this point i’d quit publishing your busts, just work in the dark. Too much info can be collected from those silly articles. You posted the Reg of the fucking boat you seized, which is tracked by the Maritime Service and for £2 a month someone, not me but someone like me, can see which container ship they rocked up next to at 3am to then bring this shit back to the mainland and where that tanker came from. A couple dodgy emails later to the agency that supply the boat with crew someone, not me, could have a list of all the crew who likely facilitated that transaction. Believe it or not this sort of trade doesn’t halt at the threat of capture, so that boat will stay afloat and continue to trade with your glowing advertisement suggesting they’re the ones to reach out to if you’re looking to trade because I can guaran fucking tee you they’re moving more than the 0.05 you got your silly little mittens on.

Also it doesn’t take a genius to postpone a trade if theres a HMS Aircraft carrier floating by?????

Thats it, rant over



to our three new russian viewers, your IPs got flagged by Fasthost but i’m letting ya stay because diversity

On the topic of last posts names, its hard to find news like this in the UK bc blocked but this is what the FSB had to say on last weeks spy silliness

“Frankly speaking, we’ve had enough of this circus, running around Moscow’s Third Ring Road in the rain, dashing through parks, taking day trips from the capital to neighboring cities just to spend a few hours freezing on a bench, or constantly switching between public transport and taxis in order to hide from security services while going to one of their meetings with NGO foreign agents engaged in lobbying for migrants’ interests,” the FSB official said.

“London sends spies disguised as the spouses of diplomats, even using young children to cover for their espionage. In other words, any diplomatic etiquette has been thrown completely out the window,” he emphasized.

“Yes, this is classic British espionage. It’s amusing to watch, but it cannot continue any longer. The British are not picking up on our hints that this practice needs to stop. That is why we decided to begin with expelling these six,” the FSB official said.

I’m actually embarrassed, i’m no sympathiser but fuck they caught us with our pants down lol



could Jessica Davenport, Grace Elvin, Callum Andrew Duff, Katharine Mcdonnell, Thomas John Hickson and Blake Patel plz report to my office



Taylor swift gone said the K lady know best so yellow belly back down and rest

swift got all the berries, and all the fans so big deal when she speaks her mind

My favourite swift is The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) but I’m open to a catchy song or 2

Thing is with the T swift is she isn’t person no more she money machine

She’s more money than swift payment system

Dollar in her pocket gone lined the duffel bag of democracy



S##### leaves soon. I feel like I’ve had the free trial of S##### T## B#### and just as I look to extend, she’s off

I once saw her burp and blow into the sky like one would cigarette smoke

We spent the night tracking planes overhead, listening to American police radio and eye fucking the stars. She doesn’t make me feel stupid about my interests, which is refreshing
