
I can’t be the only one who watched the Falcon 9 take off today fingers crossed that the last frame the camera caught was Jared Isaacman face imploding as the thing crumples itself into ashes. I guess there’s still time, maybe he’ll float off on the space walk.

I’m really into this billionaire bingo we all seem to witness every year or so. It’s good viewing. Sad about that lads kid but when the titanic sub went quiet I knew the thing had popped. What’s even funnier is the US Navy caught the thing imploding on their sonar and just kinda kept it to themselves?? Big old difference between what uncle sam knows and uncle sam tells. MH370 goes down with two Boeing E-3 Sentrys above it and they’re still like sadly the lad who’s job it was to monitor the PC was taking a piss so we missed that…. probs the Russians don’t cha think? like no Sammy I don’t, I think u cunts know exactly what brought that fucker down and come to mention it you lot did have half the American military floating under the fucker ready to clean up the mess. But that’s just a theory, not even my theory just one the majority of the intelligence community believe. Am I shouting I feel like I’m shouting



I canny be arsed to recode the blog so i’m going with a 2003 outta the box one click install – this is the tech that brought down the berlin wall. Berlin? Birlin? Berlin wall – yeah thats the one.

I’ll start uploading past posts in chunks, so stick with it
I’ve started uploading, sadly the songs of the week weren’t captured in my move so some posts end with hint towards a song, but no song so stick with it and i’ll add them back.
That took fucking ages. No I ain’t turning on comments, i don’t trust any of ya. In blog tradition, here song of the day



I’m nervous to go to this meeting, not only as it’s host seems to be our lord and saviour, the big lads dad but because it’s the first ounce of exposure the world has seen of my problem beyond confiding in friends and meeting up with the Albanians.

I’ve washed my clothes, plan to shower and cut my nails – anything to suggest I’m not what I’m due to confess I am. You’re telling me an a##### can look this good? Take a look at my nails, these shits have been buffed BUFFED let’s not be silly now, an a##### has no time for manicure excellence.

I’m nervous, yet I am the man I am. What has a man got, if not himself. If I was a gambling man, I’d have every faith in my success. I just need my jeans to dry on time, or all this shit comes crumbling down.



I’m not here to take sides
I will be won to no cause
I serve no God or country, I fly no flag.



I’m scared to make noise
I think I’ve always been a cocaine addict
I want to dig a hole and bury myself
My full name and address
