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Rufus (dog) suffers from awful separation anxiety. He’s always moaning and freaking out when someone he knows walks off without him. I’ve chalked it up to his shitty understanding of time. I don’t think dogs get time like humans. Unfortunately for Rufus, lots of the people he loves leave sooner or later. His first owner got rid of him, he never sees my mum anymore, doesn’t live with his pal nelly and never sees J or F. So when rufus sees you leave, even though he knows that 99 times out of the past 100 you’ve returned, he’s wondering if that’s it. If he’ll ever see you again. It genuinely freaks him out. If you talk him through it he starts to chill. Helps if you’re drunk or high. You’ve just gotta really lay it out for him. He’s a big boy now so yes, people will come and go. It’s nothing personal just the relationship between time and physical movement. Sometimes they’re there, sometimes they’re not. He likes listening to you talk, I think he senses the mood. I was chatting to this girl on the train and she was asking what my fav cereal was and a few other things surrounding my breakfast habits. Told her the truth, Weetabix, she’s all moaning about how it’s boring and an old man cereal, I’m explaining that no its good bc you can eat it a few ways which she asks me to explain and I realise then and there that no, its not like the world is divided on how to eat weetabix I’ve just seen someone eat them wrong. It’s not like the marmite issue with the whole do you or don’t you. I dated a girl who would put them in the bowl, with milk and like mush them up into a paste and let me tell you now that is fucking awful she belongs in a mental asylum that should be on the entry test, if you give them weetabix and they just mash those fuckers up, lock em away. There’s a right and a wrong way to eat them, end of. Train girl was happy with this rant. Same train journey I was wondering if ‘butters my toast’ was a thing. Like if I see a cute girl I can be like ‘she really butters my toast’ meaning like yeah she’s cute. Train girl decides it is a saying for being pissed off but thinks I should use it my way. Which I agree bc toast is supposed to be buttered, it’s inevitable. Being pissed off isn’t inevitable, well shouldn’t be anyway. This was one of those trains you weren’t allowed to buy a ticket when you were on, they get all passive aggressive when you ask and moan about fines and the British transport police. Another psychopath thing is when you’re sat on a train/ bus and there’s plenty of double seats left but someone decides to sit right next to you. And they even fucking ask they’re like is this seat free? Like you know the other doubles are free, the only seat in this coach that might not be free is the one next to me so go with the safe option, stop trying to create social friction my god some of us struggle with all of this social dynamic stuff. Didn’t tell the train girl this, I’m not one to cause social friction smh
