

Today I was defeated by a blind. Not the kind with the sticks, a bathroom blind – although I think I’d have had a better chance cutting and hanging a blind man over a window than I did this length of material. It wasn’t that it was difficult work just that it was frustrating, it frustrated me how complex, how well engineered yet totally unusable this thing was.Ā Just cut it down to size and pop it straight upĀ . I know I’d be a terrible surgeon because of how my hands lose interest after 2 seconds of something going wrong. Strong steady, well intentioned movements drift into who gives a fuck about this anyway kind of gestures.

My dad assumed I was left handed today, when I corrected him and told him no one in our family was and I’ve always been right handed he gave a puzzled look followed by ā€œwell you used to beā€. Now I look at my left hand like an old friend I have more in common with than I once thought.
