Billionaire go boom


I can’t be the only one who watched the Falcon 9 take off today fingers crossed that the last frame the camera caught was Jared Isaacman face imploding as the thing crumples itself into ashes. I guess there’s still time, maybe he’ll float off on the space walk.

I’m really into this billionaire bingo we all seem to witness every year or so. It’s good viewing. Sad about that lads kid but when the titanic sub went quiet I knew the thing had popped. What’s even funnier is the US Navy caught the thing imploding on their sonar and just kinda kept it to themselves?? Big old difference between what uncle sam knows and uncle sam tells. MH370 goes down with two Boeing E-3 Sentrys above it and they’re still like sadly the lad who’s job it was to monitor the PC was taking a piss so we missed that…. probs the Russians don’t cha think? like no Sammy I don’t, I think u cunts know exactly what brought that fucker down and come to mention it you lot did have half the American military floating under the fucker ready to clean up the mess. But that’s just a theory, not even my theory just one the majority of the intelligence community believe. Am I shouting I feel like I’m shouting
