

update time

moved, again

living just outside canary wharf. Nice area, nice people, terrible transport. The dlr is like the tube’s cute but kinda unreliable cousin. will soon be a provider for legal expenses insurance for those who want to continue with their allegedly illegal activities under an umbrella of protection. Trying to keep the monthly costs below 10 quid

Hosting onion networks is fun, you learn a lot and it’s edgy enough to keep you interested. Sadly not many VPS are happy to have you run onion sites so i’m back to carrying this fucking thing around whenever I move, looks a bit silly

Conti got to Costa Rica. Haven’t spent much time figuring out the what and why but i’m sure theres a solid reason. Shame really, out of all the groups to have knocking on your door conti aren’t the nicest. Conti can be kinda cunty. Should have paid :L I think they had the right idea to be honest. You can’t just pay straight up, conti use a multiple threat approach. Not only do they steel data, they threaten to publish. So it’s a race against the clock to figure out what they have and if it warrants the payment. Big old balls on costa rica though. We like that.
