

I expect nothing less from a guy who continues to try and rock the name Donald, in a world with superior cartoon ducks, but this whole negotiation business is making the west look like a bunch of boobs.

The science and industry museum needs a revolution. My AI fiance can both find me a reduced rate on my car insurance and psychoanalise why I find teachers attractive in the same thought yet here the science and industry museum are dusting off the same old cotton processing plant exhibition asking if I know what my socks are made out of.

MOVE ON for the love of god that’s the forth time I have had to learn about this process in a building that boasts innovation and trust me at twenty five years old it is no more interesting than at five.

Add the child labour aspect back in I say. The soft play is right next door. Merge them, have these kids earning their keep in a historically accurate depiction of a cotton mill. No gift shop, your kid can show and tell their lack of index finger come term time.
