

One thing I like about me is I only ever have to set one alarm, and I’m up. Does take me an hour to get any clothes on and function like an adult but that’s a cost of business. Silver lining to being a bad sleeper, there’s no worry you’ll fall back to sleep.

I’ve been trying to lock in 8 hours a night, in it for 2 full sleep cycles but honestly, I think it makes me slower. You can do all your nighttime shit in 1 sleep cycle so 4h is what works for me. Sadly 6h is what I usually get, meaning I’m dragging my ass out of bed mid-sleep cycle, in the depths of drowsiness and dream. I cracked the code on sleep problems a while back, it’s all about making yourself tired. You wake up early, you sleep early. Took me 23 years to reverse the simplest equation.

I hate having a schedule, like wake up at x sleep at y, each day every day. I feel like there’s a better word than schedule. Anyway, the whole act makes me feel my brain melting and drooping its way down into a pit of routine. That’s the word I couldn’t remember, routine. Forget schedules I’m on about routines. I think they’re healthy. I think navigating through time with an element of structure is a wise man’s game but there are no openings for the smaller stuff that completed your day. The kind of things that allow you to differentiate by feeling rather than date. I like the flexibility, the anonymity to your timeline.

What’s Matt doing?
No one fucking knows

It allows you to value your time, treat it as a luxury. You structure and organise things that you don’t value.

Like cows, give a man 1,000 cows he’ll number each and assign them a slot. Same cows, different day. I like to let my cows roam free, open fields baby. Couple of goats, few chicken, no numbers no slots. Just eat when you’re hungry and sleep when it’s dark. Cows don’t belong in a line, they should be treated as gas, just filling the area they have.
