E is for Ecstasy


Tried clothes shopping, the whole charity shop model interests me. Popular because it’s cheap, but designed to be profitable, which goes hand in hand with periodic price increases. It’s all dead people clothes, anyway. Can’t get my head around it. Then again, I don’t care about the clothes I wear. I wish I did, but I just don’t. I need to stop wearing these stupid jumpers, they make me look fat and depressed – which isn’t the image I’m going for.

F wants drugs for a festival, E wants them because she’s bored. All this trying to get out of the game is tricky when you’re known for it. I just want to be caught, want something unthinkable to happen. Caught in a way that I couldn’t even figure out. It’s all excitement I think. Some people chase after the thrills, I’m worried I’ve gone sensible. There was once a Matt that would do the strangest shit just for the sake of it, fuck up relationships just for the fun. As a kid, I was constantly in trouble. Completely prepared to be told that something I thought was fine was actually unthinkably awful, and I’d get shit for it. Anyway, fast forward a few years and it’s strange to me not being in trouble, it’s all I know, it’s all I’m good at. I am the master of talking my way out of shit. The problem is when you outgrow your parent’s authority you’re parented by a stronger force who have power and when they say ‘you fucked up’ it often goes along with some time out and sent to your room, built of concrete on a wing with other cheeky cunts. And if you happen to fall through the cracks of ‘criminal’ and start to blend in and go to school, develop your brain you just end up at the same spot but with a brain more equipt for the game. Which worries me. I should have been busted a long time ago, spent some time being roughed up in some young offenders institute and spat out as a mentally deranged teenager, that’d be game over. Now I’m sat here like a mug, don’t give two shits about my life and have an unstoppable interest in international crime, which comes with its own little set of authorities to slap you back over the line when you cross it. Maybe I should swap sides. That’d be a tad more sustainable. But no risk – which is kinda the drug I’m chasing here.

Afganistan is facing some shit, they’ll be controlled by the Taliban by 2022 and no one seems to want to step up to push them back into the caves they crawled out from. Iran keeps fucking around with oil tankers off their coast. I think the UAE has put sanctions against them for the buying of oil and they’ve turned to fishing from the vast ocean of wealth cruising by them day in day out. Turns out a fifth of all oil in the world passes Iranian shores so they’re just grabbing ships willy-nilly. 9 Lads took the tanker today, which is a good few, to be honest. Pirates usually run in groups of 4/5 mainly because they have to split profits and skiffs struggle with the weight of more than say 300kg. 9 is a big boat, all armed – that’s a military-backed operation and let me tell you what didn’t help, The Iranian airforce flew over as it was going down, probably to act as a strong deterrent from passing ships, they can be seen on shitty 24/7 airline trackers passing over at the same time. That’s just sloppy. International waters so I guess it’s all fair game. I’m excited about conflicts in the next few years. So much tech is coming out with gaping holes in its security, will lead to very interesting cyberspace. It’s one thing taking over the controls of a drone, another thing taking over the flight plan of a missile.

I thought about this a few months back when Israel and Palestine were having a tiff. Long story short, I did a load of reading up on the Iron Dome, a system that intercepted missiles controlled by Israel. Now, the casualties of airstrikes aren’t often purely the ‘enemy’, they tend to have a pretty large destruction zone. So civilians were dying, which is against the rules in my book. So someone either needed to fuck up the Israel Iron Dome or offer the same solution to Palestine. When it comes down to it we’re looking at the same missile tech but with a few plugins. Two schools of thought. Either implement a dome over Palestine, very expensive. Or inject malicious code into the Nav systems of the senders, have each warhead slap into the sea somewhere. Can’t imagine I’m the first to think of this. It wouldn’t be a whole run in, smash up a computer and run the fuck away. Just a few lines of code. You could do it from the UK. Missile guidance systems use the positions of stars as their set variable for navigation. You’d just need a file to re-write where the stars are. Everything would run smoothly, it’d take them a day or two to figure out where the code was broken but it’d work. Kind of romantic, realigning the stars to save lives. Anyway, that occupied a good 2 weeks of my life.

