Flight MU573


Imagine flying a plane and its systems decide to malfunction and swap its X and Y-axis. Forward is down, up is forward.

Within seconds the plane’s balance would be working non-stop to either yank the tail up or point the nose to the moon. You can’t fly a plane if it thinks it’s the wrong orientation. It doesn’t get it, it thinks its wings are somewhere else, but they’re not. It doesn’t know anything is wrong. Its little computer mind goes “is this how we were programmed? Yes. So stop worrying about it.”

Passengers would be screaming. Especially if it decided to do all of these adjustments at full throttle. Not only are you heading down, but you’ve also got the engines speeding you up. You’d glide a mile or so then just be nose-diving.

People who’ve survived plane crashes, I can’t imagine their last thought before hitting the ground were “do you not think it’s funny that we’re going down LIKE A DART and not gliding like in the movies?”. I mean you wouldn’t be able to reach your oxygen mask. Straight down, those shits are stuck on the ceiling, so you can’t even get high before you hit. Unless the cabin depressurised and everyone just go sleep sleep anyway.

Shit man planes aren’t supposed to do that, we’re past all that shit, come on.

LOOK AT THE DROP OFF OF ITS ALTITUDE my god it just stopped

Okay so from what I can find online, it fell 20,000 feet in 2 minutes, that’s 10,000 feet a minute, that’s like 110-115mph average. Terminal velocity for an aircraft like that is apparently 108mph, so its blades were spinning.

God imagine sitting in arrivals and seeing the flight you’re waiting for being delayed hours. People text before they take off, it’s a human tradition. People find any excuse to text in an airport. “taking off, call when I land” “sat next to a fat man” “can’t wait to see you” and this is the key one “flights been delayed”.

You got the ‘text you when I land’ but that’s it. The screen says the flight’s delayed and no plane on the runway so?!

So either it’s up there, or it’s on the ground. You’d freak. I guess you’ll have the tiny glimmer of hope that they could just be flying around but they’ve got aeroplane mode on? Maybe that’s why they haven’t texted u back? Shit man.

Anyway, rant over.

