

I have a cold

Which I think peaked at a fever but I’m doing good now

Woke up last night in the middle of the battle, my antibodies vs whatever I’d managed to catch. I was 1000 degrees and felt like death, all in aid of giving my immune system the energy it needed to win this god damn war.

We seemed to be winning so I kinda let them do their thing, didn’t want to interrupt anything but thought I could real quick get up, take a piss and be back in bed before they knew what was happening.

Stood up, legs felt like jelly and (idk how to explain this) every time I moved my eyes the volume in my brain changed? Got to the door, realised I was naked, gave up and retreated to bed.

When you’re ill your bodies transmission changes from automatic to manual

googled ‘cold symptoms’ to figure out what I had, realised 5 mins in I’d actually searched ‘cold synonyms’ which explained a lot bc frosty didn’t seem like a medical term to me
