Go to jail,Go directly to jail,Do not pass go,Do not collect 200


It’s been a minute. Got caught up in a load of stuff. Lost plenty of weight. Normally the biggest indicator for my weight loss is Frag, when he decides I’ve lost weight there’s always a pause, an awkwardness that gives me a second to prepare for the coming question, which usually materialises itself as a query rather than a direct question. Either way, it changes the axis of our conversation; back on drugs?

The problem with brothers is they known when you’re lying, which they see as a solution to the whole ‘living with matt’ dilemma. So yes, Francis, I am back on drugs. Nevertheless, I still use his advice to take a look around and see what’s unusual, what’s there that isn’t normal for me. A problem I haven’t yet solved but not due to skill or lack of, part of me is enjoying the complexity. It’s like I’m playing Cluedo… I know who, I know where, hell, I’ll show you the weapon. The issue is as I look around the board, everyone’s having fun. Yes, someone will win and someone lose but in this moment, it’s bliss.

The last week has left me holding the white flag of surrender to both my habits and emotions. The silver lining to this whole story is I can still boast about my ‘haven’t smoked in months’ award, starting to wonder if people can see right past that like my own sub-conscience.

Unfortunately, I’ve promoted myself to a stronger substance to fuel my evenings of creativity. Revolutions. Great advice for Joe, his brain likes the structure of a wider guide. He’s not a religious man but supporting the theory that he’s the God of his own world works wonders for his mind. A brain, heart and soul we can only dream of occupying. A dream he lives as reality. Really is something special watching him navigate his way around the world.

Soon we’ll be back to business as usual, back to Monopoly. I’ve got to tell you about the Affair Consultant, remind me.
