rush hour crush


I like to give homeless people notes bc I can’t imagine dying to get high and some cunt hands you 50p

Knock knock

Who’s there

I thought you were homeless?

Bu dum chish

It rains too much. There’s a character in hitchhikers guide to the galaxy who has a rain cloud constantly following him. I think that guy is London.

It’s raining so I canny go wandering about, some cunts still setting off fireworks down the road and there are sirens everywhere. I had a little moment yesterday where I was carrying a pizza back to the flat and sparked a joint on the way and a copper flipped on his siren, in traffic, and startled me, i nearly dropped the damn pizza so with joint in one hand and pizza in the other I’m all waving my hands in the air like wtf was that for only to snap back to reality before I ended up getting in an argument, with a copper, with a joint hanging out of my mouth. I love having a police station on my road because you never see police on foot. Fascinates me that any undercover working from that area uses the same tube station as me.

If you fall for someone in London and don’t know how to find them are you supposed to ride the tube all day hoping you bump into them? Some people you canny just call

I love reading those messages in the back of metro rush hour crush just thinking about how much someone had an impression on you that you had to declare it in the local newspaper. These people are lay in bed that night and just conclude that publishing a column on their feelings is the best way to go.

I remember my first ever business startup I got the front page of the business section in Ashbourne News Telegraph. I know I know, man’s famous. I’ll have to dig that out sometime. It’s easier than you think to get into your local newspaper. Turns out Ashbourne isn’t the electric epicentre of news we once thought. Fascinates me that half the interesting stuff that happened around there never touched the local news. A few years back a decent-sized marijuana operation was taken down just outside of town, which blew 15-year-old Matt’s mind. Not a single thing in the news, which really pissed me off, surely I wasn’t the only kid interested in knowing wtf that was all about. That place was dry as the sun when it came to ďřùğş so I figured they were holding up the whole don’t shit where you eat kinda mentality.

I’ve got a new project on the go which requires a couple of 3D models rendered in HD. I’m too lazy to set the server up as a render farm bc it’s only 10 images so my poor mac is SWEATING processing these pictures at night. I swear I load the models and click start and I hear him sigh. If the machines take over I’ll be sentenced to death for what I’m putting this thing through, mans huffing and puffing over here.

3 mins of bliss
