The man-made man


I’ve lost a load of my notes

Shitty phone updated and lost the decryption key for my old notes. So safe even I can’t get into them and I wrote the damn things. No stress, I’ll have backups somewhere.

If we could simulate human life, we would. I mean the question is, would they be alive? The Turing test says if we can simulate life and have it convinced it’s alive, then yes, it qualifies.

As a side note, for anyone who’s been living under a tectonic plate their whole life and hasn’t come across the beauty of Alan Turing and his thoughts, check him out. He’s the sole reason the British are still speaking English today and his writings were so far ahead of their time we couldn’t begin to comprehend them.

So, simulated life. It would cost, a lot. The first stages would be handed over to medical science where we’d be able to test the effectiveness of medicines on a population and of course, the flip side is testing the strength of new diseases on an artificial society, trying to gauge its danger on the real world.

Let’s call Earth Humans on earth ‘Humans’ and beings within a test simulation controlled by Earth Humans, ‘Sub-Humans’.

Now, it sounds great to have the ability to test medical science on Sub-Humans before it even touches a Human on Earth. We could A/B test every medicine before having to risk offering it to a subject without knowing the definitive outcome. The interest for me would be the grey areas between what differentiates a human from a sub-human and vice versa.

To express this I’ll write a few short stories showing the job of a human lab technician, wholes role it is to infect sub-humans within a simulation with diseases, test vaccinations and medicine then compare their life, thoughts, views against an infected sub-human either with the disease or with immunity through medicine and see how different their lives would be. Of course, a sub-human has no control over an actual human. It would be a simplified God vs. his Creation showcase. It makes you question your existence. If life could simulate life, it would.

So are we human or sub-human?
