The Zimmer frame


Hate going to the hospital, for whatever reason. The place is too clean. Luckily this time I wasn’t the one busted up but I can’t say sitting in the car for 5 hours isn’t painful. Seems Joe burnt himself on his Sizzle Kitchen, ouch. We were stood in the waiting room and a man, of a ripe old age, was pushing his wife in her wheelchair through the hall. He had a Zimmer frame wrapped around his neck, supported by his back, almost like a backpack, which I can only presume was for him. He was wearing the thing, his head through one the of side gaps, his shoulders holding it up. He looked as though he was walking out of a warzone, a very powerful image. Almost like something you’d see sprayed on some government building by Banksy. Can’t get the image out of my head. The whole experience was so raw. Everyone you see in a uniform is battling their own war and anyone you pass in ordinary clothes are waiting for news, which isn’t often good. It’s almost biblical, spotless white walls, white sheets all over the bodies of the dying like they’re waiting at the gates of heaven for a verdict on their mortality. On the way, Joe asked me what the tall building with the chimneys was. It was the chimney for an incinerator, gases they can’t let out near humans. I just told him it was waste gas, he seemed content with the answer. Didn’t want to scare him ya see.

What’s new? is coming along, done the grow page, made a start on the botanists. Need to decide on how to run a CMS on the site. Thinking it’ll be a few lines of PHP. Waiting on a meeting with the LSD lot. We’re all scattered around the world so meetings are a ball-ache. Oh yeah, the CE meeting went well. Walked away happy, with lots of tasks to complete in hand. I have faith this will be a good little earner. I’ll spend a few hours coding something sexy for this whole blog thing. Maybe some cards, few pics.

Luke would be perfect for a DW Site.
